lördag 3 augusti 2013

Linux - Batch *.wav to *.mp3

for i in *.wav; do lame -b 320 -h ${i} ${i}.mp3; done

Sound Search Engine | SoundJax.com

För ladda hem alla mp3 filer ifrån soundjax skriv
httrack http://soundjax.com/ +*.mp3

linux - bluepad

visit BluePad remote control Web Site

sudo apt-get install python-gtk2

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sudo dpkg --force-depends -i bluepad_0.4_all.deb

Disable Mic laptop linux

> sudo amixer set Mic 0% toggle > /dev/null

Kör sedan alsamuixer för att se om mic är disable....

How to Disable Your Webcam in Ubuntu?

If you have a web camera on your Laptop that you don’t use at all, then you can disable its driver from loading in Ubuntu as it has two main advantageous. Firstly, you might be able to save some power, and secondly, it should save you a few Megabytes from your RAM, which might help speeding up the booting times as well.

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What is Google Public DNS?

Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider.
To try it out:
  • Configure your network settings to use the IP addresses and as your DNS servers or
  • Read our configuration instructions (IPv6 addresses supported too).
If you decide to try Google Public DNS, your client programs will perform all DNS lookups using Google Public DNS.

Chatta om digitala fotspår

Publicerad 2011-03-03 13:39

Internetdebattören Joakim Jardenberg svarade på frågor om vilka spår - medvetna och omedveta - som du lämnar på nätet. Samt om du bör göra någonting åt dem.
moderator: Nu börjar chatten. Välkomna!

Run Windows Apps in Ubuntu with ‘CrossOver for Linux’ – Free for Today Only

By under Download , News

CodeWeavers are giving away their souped-up Wine-based CrossOver software for free – but only for the next 24 hours.
The modified version of WINE adds additional compatibility patches, user-friendly installing and tweaking tools. It can be used to run a number of popular Windows applications, including Microsoft Office 2010, Photoshop CS, and Anime Studio 9.
A wide range of games are also supported by it, including Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars.
‘Anyone with a computer’ (and an e-mail address, as you need to sign up) is entitled to blag a copy of Crossover for Linux (or Crossover for Mac) and 12 months of support and product updates for free.
CrossOver usually costs around $25.

Can't install wine (or ia32-libs) in Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit

As already pointed out here , people seems to have issues with installing wine in the latest version of Ubuntu. I'm suspecting this only happens with 64 bit users.

For example, when trying to install wine or ia32-libs with apt-get, I get a lot of dependency errors. Doing a sudo apt-get -f install doesn't seem to do the trick, neither does using aptitude.

Fake Webcam in Ubuntu / Linux

5 Comments Posted by hardc0l2e on January 20, 2010

In windows, there are various program that can stream video loopback and act as a camera or webcam. In Linux previously you can use AVLD and Vloopback, but I’m having trouble compiling them using kernel 2.6.31 on Karmic (Ubuntu 9.10). But luckily, I’ve found this great tool which is much better then the previous, it’s called WebCamStudio .

fredag 2 augusti 2013

Set / Change / Reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux

Tested on
- Ubuntu Linux 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon and MySQL 5.0.45. (2007-10-21)
- Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Dapper Drake and MySQL 4.1.15.

Set / change / reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux. Enter the following lines in your terminal.
  1. Stop the MySQL Server.
    sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
  2. Start the mysqld configuration.
    sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables &
  3. Login to MySQL as root.
    mysql -u root mysql
  4. Replace YOURNEWPASSWORD with your new password!
Note: This method is not regarded as the securest way of resetting the password. However it works.


MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual: How to Reset the Root Password

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Dvärgarna är skickliga hantverkare

Dessa småvuxna väsen som bor under jord och i klippor sägs i urtiden ha varit maskar som dvaldes i Ymers katt.
I Snorres Edda skapades de i jätten Ymirs döda kropp.
Dvärgarna är skickliga hantverkare, särskilt goda guldsmeder. Kända är skeppet Skidbladner, Odins spjut och Tors hammare som alla ska vara smidda av dvärgar.